What Is Internet Marketing? Your Guide To Today’s Online Marketing

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What Is Internet Marketing? Your Guide To Today’s Online Marketing


Internet marketing training you can't learn this stuff in the four-year college education so you guys are at the forefront of not only education but also of the cutting act internet marketing strategies that are working today your success is 100% guaranteed to you the moment that you commit to success period when it comes to integrity when it comes to leadership when it comes to inspiration there's no better man in the industry than calculate everyone wants the million dollars the person you become making a million dollars the real reward you don't find a way to make money online while you sleep you will work until you die one campaign it was one campaign one ad on Facebook one ad now you have set yourself free for life we're taking a product from zero dollars give up ten million revenue in 32 days the guys that are that are putting together a bunch of this content for you run millions of doll and advertised million. Online marketing, also known as internet marketing or web advertising, is a form of marketing that uses the internet to deliver promotional messages to customers through digital channels such as search engines, email, websites, and social media.

Internet Marketing Explained

What's up my friend Internet Marketing, and I here and welcome to kind of my new upgrade at home here in Las Vegas and as you continue to stick with me all the way up until the very end of this video I'm gonna pull out my computer and show you some things that I guarantee you're probably gonna find a little bit shocking and also very very cool first though you know if you've seen any of my blog on the internet marketing you probably already know that you know other questions that I get asked most often is Kalla how did you do it right like how did I go from working for minimum wage in a coffee shop eking out a meager existence and even living in my mom's spare bedroom at 29 years old to creating a 6 multiple six even seven-figure per year income while still having the freedom and flexibility to you know work from home and take vacations and travel when I want and the truth is that it's actually very simple in fact if you're anything like most people the truth is it's the answer has probably been staring you in the face all along you just didn't even know that you were seeing it and so what I'm gonna do here in just a moment is I'm gonna take you here into my home office I'm gonna pull out my computer I'm gonna share the screen with you and I'm going to show you a real raw unedited uncut glimpse of what it is that I do on a day-to-day basis to create these results and you know maybe you can steal some of these ideas and put them to work for yourself as well now is that a guarantee that this is gonna work for you to the exact same degree its work for me of course not success takes hard work and dedication but it can't possibly hurt to take a peek. Internet Marketing Ninjas employs specialists in multiple website marketing services to make sure our clients have the best chance to reach and even exceed their goals.

How Internet Marketing Works

All right so here we are as you can see I've pulled out my screen and over the next minute or so I'm gonna pull up some websites internet marketing and some of these websites you're going to recognize now at first it may not be make perfect sense exactly how all the dots connect but I promise you stick with me all the way up until the very end of this video and you're probably gonna be shocked at how simple this really can be so stick with me here alright so here's our first website right eBay easily a recognized name in almost every household right one of the biggest websites in the world most people don't know though that if you would have scrolled all the way down right down here there's a little. Internet marketing uses customers' online activity to connect them with a business by reaching them in a variety of places on the internet.

Internet Marketing Strategies …

Link that says affiliates click on that and what do you get well on the very next page it very clearly says find share and earn and I'll talk about what that means here in just a moment so again just stick with me alright here's another big brand that we're all familiar with right Best Buy well again if you would have scrolled all the way down most people don't even know that right down here they have a little link that says affiliate program if you click there it clearly says in plain English earn money partner with a trusted brand joining us free and easy and right here you can click join now and here's another big brand right Amazon one of the largest retailers in the world again why don't you know scroll down to the bottom and most we have no clue that give a link right down here that says become an affiliate click right there and on the next page it clearly says join advertise and earn now you may be. Higher than other types of internet marketing like social media and paid search.

Trusted Internet Marketing Services

Wondering ok well what does this all mean well what this is is what I like to call freelance  internet marketing see most people don't even know that even the biggest brands in the world multi-billion dollar companies even are willing to pay people like you and I a commission just for helping them sell their products so let me pull out this whiteboard and kind of quickly explain to you how this all comes together right so if we want to start a business online really we just need two simple things one we need an audience okay now what's an audience one audience is a group of people that either has a problem that they want solved or they have a desire that they want fulfilled right and the second thing that we're gonna need is an offer and I promise my handwriting isn't normally this ugly but for whatever reason it is today right anyway so what's an offer well the offer is the thing that is going to solve that problem or fulfill that desire stick with me let me show you let me let's go just a little bit further down this rabbit hole right so here we are on a free website called the Google Keyword Planner.

Google Ranking Factors

this is actually a free tool that anyone can use all you have to do is have a Google account which is free to set up right at the top here you can see I typed in lose weight and what this tool does is it tells us it gives us all of the related search phrases here on the left and they're right up here it says average monthly searches it's telling us how many people per month are going to Google and typing in that search phrase right so literally it says weight loss a hundred thousand to a million people per month how to lose belly fat a hundred thousand to a million people per month low-carb diet a hundred thousand a million people per month and on and on and on and on that list goes well what does this mean well literally just in a few seconds we found an audience of like millions and millions of people every month that are going to Google and looking for a way to help them lose some weight or get in shape for internet marketing,

Overview Of All Products

- Internet Marketing website

Let's click right over to this website this is a website called Clickbank and now a Clickbank is is an affiliate network basically this is where product owners can list their products in order to have people like you and I help them sell their products in exchange for a commission so here at the top you can see I typed in lose weight and let's see what we find here so I'll scroll down just a little bit and you can see here's one says the get lean program a hundred and eighty four dollars and 21 cents on average per sale right so that's on average that's what you're gonna earn when you generate a sale for that company or here's another one fat full-throttle fat loss one hundred and thirty-eight dollars and seventy nine cents per sale meaning that that's about what you'll earn when you help them sell their product so think about this for a moment let's pop back over to the whiteboard right literally over the course of just the last minute or so what do we do well one we found a huge audience so we'll say that this circle represents that audience and to then we went and found an offer right we found some offers that we could promote to that audience so what do we do next as freelance internet marketing.

- Marketing Hub

Well what we do then is we then place ads right so I'll just write this here ads we go out and find that audience target that audience and we strategically place ads on the internet that get people to click on that ad and go over to that offer and buy that product and if somebody buys that product well then my friend that's where things get exciting because that's where people like you and I we earn a commission now you might be wondering well Khalid that sounds cool at home and you know is this lucrative well let me show you kind of a funny picture right this is actually a picture of me laying in a bed full of commission checks that came in the mail from just one campaign that I that I promoted right so this is in over the course of about 45 days literally 400 Commission checks came in the mail just from one campaign now let your mind wander as to how much money that was let's just say it was lucrative right and I know it's kind of a goofy picture but whatever you get the point. Also called online marketing or digital marketing, internet marketing relies on digital channels to distribute promotional messages.

Build A Career In Internet Marketing

No matter what type of business you have or where you are located, investing in internet marketing can help you build your business, connect with customers, and make sales.

1. Blog Posts & Articles

So what is what does this all mean it literally means that you know right now we are at this remarkable time in human history where it's never been simpler to create a business without having to deal with any products without have without having to do it shipping customer service you know payroll any of that stuff and yet still create a lucrative living.

2. Infographics

Right so if you're loving all of this and you're liking what you're seeing in your it might be thinking to yourself well this is all great and how do I begin doing this well good news somewhere around this website internet marketing.

3. Register

You're going to see a button when you click on that button it's going to take you over to a page where you're going to be able to register for our to our master class right where I'm gonna let you look over my shoulder I'm going to show you how to begin getting started on all of this I start putting this stuff this stuff to work for you in your life so just go ahead and register now click around and wherever that button is somewhere on this video go over to the next page and save your seat for the master class before it's too late I look forward to seeing you there my friend take care. Internet marketing leverages digital channels, including email, social media, websites, and search engines, to reach your ideal audience.
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